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HARGA : RP. 35.000

Kegunaan :
1. Memiliki semua jenis Obeng dari yang Besar sampe yang Terkecil dan ber-Magnet sehingga memudahkan sekali untuk pengerjaan pada sekrup kecil (juga bisa buat bongkar HP).
2. Pekerjaan Rumah lebih mudah, tidak perlu mencari-cari Obeng dengan jenis tertentu, cukup 1 alat semua teratasi.
3. Kuat dan Kokoh
4. Bentuknya Simple dan Praktis, mudah untuk dibawa kemanapun (Persiapan saat Berkendara, di Rumah, di Kantor dll )

Star-shaped hexagonal (hexagonal plum): T4, T5, T6, T8, T9, T10, T15, T20 (down mobile phones, computers, hard drives, printers, XBOX, XBOX360, razor used)
Hexagon: 1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4 (split model, bicycles, motors, firearms use)
Y-: Y3 (for demolition GB, Wii, Nokia chargers, electric fans)
Triangles: 3 (down by small household electrical appliances)
M-shaped (U-shaped, Fork): U6 (demolished part of mobile phones, home appliances Japanese)
Pentagon: 2.0 (down palm-sized PCs, mobile phones)
Word: 1,1.3,1.5,2,2.5,3,4 (is the most commonly used)
Cross: PH00, PH0, PH1, PH2 (also the most commonly used)
Plastic box, a portable, all have a magnetic head, this will not be easy to screw off, and more user-friendly
Can have into the box, so that would not have lost anything, is very convenient to carry:
Common to use a screwdriver to introduce:
T3 approved: Motorola V3 and demolition, such as the Siemens SL55 mobile phone
T4 approved: demolition Motorola series mobile phones
T5 approved: demolition Motorola, Nokia mobile phone series
T6 granted: the demolition of all Nokia, Motorola, Samsung and most other mobile phones
T7 batch: removed part of the models of mobile phone use
T8 batch: removed part of Motorola mobile phones and Sony Ericsson mobile phones
Cross granted: the demolition or Samsung and Japan's domestic mobile phone
Triangle approved: Panasonic mobile phones
Grand Cross / word approved: down with toys and other electrical appliances

Fast Order By SMS :

Nama Barang#Jumlah Barang#Nama Anda#Alamat Kirim
Contoh :
NECKFIT SLIMMER# 1-Pcs# M FADLI JL. Sempurna No 10 RT10/10 Jakarta Pusat 65000
Kirim ke: 0888-0188-9373

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Setelah menanti slam 3 hari, akhirnya barang yang d pesan datang jga... mantap gan pontaianak (Kalbar) cuma 3 hari... Barangnya mantap, krimannya mantap, n agan nya jga mantap.... Daeng.Jun - Pontianak

Kiriman 4 ekor ibeauty nano udah nyampe gan.. THANKKSS....rony_geo96

Kemaren abis COD an ama agan ini Haturnuhun gan...Rec. Seller nihh

laporr gan.. barang udah ane terima dengan selamat.. makasi gan..

fast respon.... jngan ragu2 sma agan yg 1 ini orderan mantap... barang grade A++ tq gan....

Barang sudh diterima per hari rabu 27 februari 2013 kemaren..sudh diinfokan ke agan blackpanda utk diteruskan dana nya.. Barang sesuai spek Dicoba lancar Friendly & responsive Jgn ragu2 sama seller yg satu ini, nice doing business with you gan

Thanks gan barangnya udah sampe. Agan saya nobatkan sebagai recommended seller

Tracking JNE

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